AVVAA World Health Care Products (OTCMKTS:AVVH) jumped 35.78% on Friday’s trading session to $0.0611. The stock saw a higher than average volume with more than 35.99 million shares traded for the session, compared its 30-day average volume of 13.72 million shares. The company has a market capitalization of 33K. The stock moved within a range of $0.0440 – 0.0618 for the session.
Atlantis Internet Group Corp (OTCMKTS:ATIG) gained about 35.71% to $0.0038 on Friday. Volume was heavy with more than 59.38 million shares traded hands, well above its average volume of 23.13 million shares. The stock made session high and low of $0.0042 and $0.0028 respectively.
Sunshine Biopharma (OTCMKTS:SBFM) was another stock with unusual price movement. The stock surged 24.85% to $0.2035. The stock saw a total volume of 14.30 million shares, compared to its average volume of 7.18 million shares. The company has a market capitalization of $97.78 million. The stock moved within a range of $0.1520 – 0.2280 in the previous trading session.
Petroteq Energy Inc (OTCMKTS:PQEFF) was another notable volume buzzer in the last trading session. The stock was up by 24.12% to $0.1329. Petroteq Energy Inc., through its subsidiaries, engages in the oil sands mining and oil extraction operations in the United States. The company mines and extracts oil from tar sands. It holds rights to mine, extract, and produce oil and associated hydrocarbons and minerals from oil sands containing heavy oil and bitumen under mineral leases covering approximately 2,541.76 acres in the Asphalt Ridge area of Utah, including 1,229.82 acres held under the TMC Mineral Lease and an additional 833.03 and 478.91 acres, respectively.